Festival – 2020 edition

First Świętokrzyskie Early Music Days

The history of our Festival opens with an edition consisting of three events in the historic heart of Kielce: On Cathedral Hill: in the former Kielce Collegiate Church and the Bishop's Palace.

We have transferred this meeting of sacred and profane, which is embodied in the historic architecture, to the territory of music, hence the concerts of music from the court of the Jagillons, a harpsichord concert and Gregorian chant.

2020 edition programme

  • 4 September 2020 at 6 pmFloripari - Wawel musicians and Schola Cantorum Kielcensis

    Programme: Sigismundus 500 - music and dance at the courts of the Jagiellons. Renaissance instruments and costumes, dance couples.
    - Former Palace of the Bishops of Cracow in Kielce.
  • 5 September 2020 at 17:00CONCERT FOR 2 HARPSICHORDS

    Martin Gester and Aline Zylberajch-Gester - some of Europe's most distinguished harpsichord performers and pedagogues in Europe. The concert will be preceded by a workshop under their direction for students and music lovers.
    - The former Cracow Bishops' Palace in Kielce.
  • 6 September 2020 at 6 pmMass and concert Clamaverunt Iusti

    Mass presided over by Msgr Jan Piotrowski.
    . Concert after Mass by the Gregorian Schola Clamaverunt Iusti conducted by Michał Sławecki and Marek Toporowski - organist (Warsaw). organist (Warsaw).
    Programme: Prepolyphony of Europe and Gregorian organ variations.
    - Cathedral Basilica in Kielce.